The Transit of Saturn in eight houses is called SANI ADHIYA. In addition to the Natal Moon sign, this transit is also rocked from Lagna and the Arudha Lagna. Such a transit is considered extremely inauspicious as it aspects the tenth house indication changes in the professional front to the detriment of the native. He may be forced by circumstances to accept a transfer or a new job that is not at all suitable or to his liking. Often this is associated with a change of residence to a difficult and sometimes hostile environment. The reputation suffers as he is overburdened with work or the salary is reduced or the organization he works may be shutdown and large-scale layoff may occur. The aspects of Saturn on the second house, during such an eight house transit causes the native to partake of unhealthy and grains stale food causing ill health. The stored wealth and grains are depleted causing financial losses. The aspect of Saturn on the fifth house causes him to forget the mantra and prayers and become undisciplined. He tends to ignore his Ista devata only to his own detriment.
As this is eight houses, this can also cause separation from near and dear ones or death of spouse. Divorces can occur during such a transit, if other parameters in the natal chart also point to this.
then what we can do in this case? wearing gems ya any kind hawan ya puja?