Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Piple is Sacred Tree.

 It is sacred as it is the adobe of lord Vishnu. Lord Krishna declares that amount all the trees he himself is the piple tree and that's why these Hindus cheerfully offer to sacrifice their lives for protection there of. In piple's root for Vishnu is present, in its stem reside Keshav, in its branches resides Narayan, in leaves reside Hari and in its fruits all the gods.
According to scientific research Piple is the only tree that emanates life protecting oxygen in enormous volume all along during day and night. Its shade imparts heat during winter and coolness during summer. According to Ayurvedic treatises Piple leaves, fruits are replete with many curative qualities. For instance disorders like blood impurity, cough, bile, inflammation, vomiting, toxicity, sputum, typhoid fever can be cured by various bi-products of this tree.

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