Saturday, November 7, 2009


One should follow these principles to get the best benefits.

1. More open area in North & East.
2. Less open area in South & West
3. Level in North & East to be lower
4. Levels in South & West to be higher than floor level
5. Water body in Northeast
6. Kitchen in Southeast
7. Bed rooms in West & South
8. Master Bed Room in southwest
9. Attached toilets in Southeast or Northwest of each room
10. Staircase in Southeast or Northwest corner
11. A door in Northeast is mandatory
12. Another door can come in any other direction but must be in the positive half of that direction.
13. Sloped roofs should be towards North or East
14. When viewed the weight of the structure should be uniform every where or the West & South portions should be heavy compared to North or East half.

Friday, November 6, 2009


When kept in the Northeast corner a sense of well being is felt by all the members of the family.
When kept in the Southwest corner in bedroom it ensures sound sleep and you feel fresh and lively in the morning.
House wives feeling tired and restless should keep one in the Southeast corner of the kitchen to become energetic.
Use it in study rooms of kids to have more concentration in their studies and to improve their academic performance.
Keep it in your office cabin in the Southwest corner for smooth running of the business.
If a person in the family is ill keep a pyramid near his bed on the Southwest corner for quick recovery.
If you feel some one has performed black magic on you or wishing you ill, bury four such pyramids in the four corner of the house.
If you are worried that people with harmful intentions are coming to your house keep the pyramid in the northwest corner of your house to keep them off.
Childless couple aspiring for a baby should keep one in the Northeast corner on the floor in their bedroom.
If you are having litigation problems bury a pyramid near your house in Northwest corner. If you live in an apartment keep a pot filled with earth and bury the pyramid which is to be placed in the Northwest corner.
If the marriage is on the rocks keep a pyramid each buried in the pot in northwest and southeast of your bed room.
If you are finding it difficult to sell your property bury a pyramid in the northwest corner of the lot.(plot).
The pyramid effectively neutralizes geopathic stress in the area.
In short there is no area in your life where this unique pyramid cannot help. Use one and convince yourself.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

खोजी पानीको

चन्द्रमामा पानी पाइने आशामा अमेरिकन अन्तरिक्ष अनुसन्धान केन्द्र -नासा) ले १८ जुन, २००९ को दिन स्थानीय समयअनुसार साँझ ५:३२ मा Cape Canaverall Air Force Station Florida बाट Lunar CRater Observation and sensing Satellite (LCROSS) नामक भूउपग्रह प्रक्षेपण गरेको थियो र त्यस भूउपग्रहले चन्द्रमाको सतहमा पानी भएको प्रमाण भेट्टाउने विश्वास गरिएको छ ।
चन्द्रमा र पुर्विय ज्योतिष

पुर्वीय (Vedic) ज्योतिषमा चन्द्रमालाई जलतत्व ग्रह चन्द्रमा मानिन्छ । जब पूणिर्माको दिन चन्द्रमा पूर्णरूपले दाउँदछ । तब यसले आफ्नो आकर्षा शक्तिको बलले पानीलाई आफूतिर अर्थात् आकाशतर्फखिच्दछ र समुद्रमा ज्वारभाटा आउँदछ । चन्द्रमा जलीय ग्रह भएको प्रमाण अथर्व वदेको १८ सकन्दमा सुक्त ४ को मन्त्र ८ र ९ मा व्याख्या गरिएको छ ।
चन्द्रमा अपस्वन्तरा सुपणौ धावतीदिवि नवी हिरण्य ।
नेमयः पदं विन्दन्ति विद्युतो वित्रमे अस्य रोदसी ।
के चन्द्रमामा पानी सम्भव छ ?
के चन्द्रमा पानी सम्भव छ त भन्ने विषयमा हामी आत्मविश्वासको साथ भन्न सक्दछौँ कि चन्द्रमामा पानी सम्भवछ । किनकि हजारौँ वर्षपहिले हाम्रा ऋषि-महषिर्हरूले आफ्नो योग विद्याको आधारमा ब्रहृमाण्डको जुन व्याख्या गरिएका थिए, सतप्रतिशत वैज्ञानिक परीक्षणमा खरो उत्रिएकोछ । पुर्वीय ज्योतिषले मङ्गललाई रातो रङ्को मान्दछ  र, आधुनिक अन्तरिक्ष वैज्ञानिक पनि मङ्गललाई रातो ग्रह Red Planet भनेर नै सम्बोधन गर्दछन् । चन्द्रमामा जल भएको आफ्नो योगविद्याले देखेका हुनाले नै चन्द्रमालाई
जलतत्वको रूपमा स्वीकार गरिएको हुनर्पर्दछ भन्ने हाम्रो वश्वास र निष्कर्षरहन्छ । भूउपग्रह्रह प्रक्षेपण समयको ग्रह्रहस्थिति भूउपग्रह LCROSS प्रक्षेपण भएको समयमा तुला लग्नको मिथुन नवांश उदाइरहेको थियो । तुला लग्नमा शनिको उच्च दृष्टि पर्नु र लग्नमाथि बृहस्पति, शुक्र, मङ्गल, चन्द्रमाको पूर्ण दृष्टि पर्नाले लग्न बलियो रहेको देखिन्छ । तर, दुःखको कुरा चन्द्रमा केतुको नक्षेत्र शनिको भुक्ति ९क्गदयिचम० मा रहेको हुनाले यस मिसनले धेरै समय लगाउने छ र केही प्राविधिक कठिनाई आउनेतर्फपनि संकेत गर्दछ । किनकि ज्योतिर्विज्ञानमा चन्द्रमा मन (इच्छा) र शनि (ढिलो) ग्रहको रूपमा चिनिन्छ । वर्तमान समयमा फेब्रुअरी २२, २०१० सम्म केतुभित्र शनिको अन्तर छ । केतुभित्र शनिको अन्तरज्योतिष विज्ञान दुःख, कष्ट, खर्चिलो र झन्झटिलो मान्दछ । त्यसैले यस मिसनले सफलता पाउन गाह्रो हुने देखिन्छ ।
चन्द्रमामा पानीको खोजीको लागि गरिएको यो प्रयास मानव मस्तिष्कको प्रखर मस्तिष्कको अतुलनीय योगदान हो । यो योगदान मानव जातिको लागि गौरवको विषय रहिरहने छ । पुर्वीय ज्योतिषले चन्द्रमालाई जलीय ग्रहको रूपमा स्वीकार्नु र वैज्ञानिकहरूले त्यसको परीक्षण गर्नु आफैँमा रोमाञ्चक विषय हो । भूउपग्रह प्रक्षेपण गरिएकोसमयमा ग्रह केही बाधक देखिए तापनि यस प्रयासले पूर्ण सफलता पाओस् र पुर्वीय दर्शन एवं वर्तमान भौतिक खोजबीच समानान्तर सम्बन्ध रहिरहोस् ।

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


1.4th Lord is posited in Dusthana.
2.4th Lord is on Dusthanadipathy‘s Nakshatras.
3.Dusthanadipathy’s are posited in the 4th Bhava.
4.Aspect of Dusthanadipathy’s on the 4th Bhava.
5.Aspect of Dusthanadipathy’s on the 4th Lord.
6.Papakarthari Yoga to 4th Bhava and 4th Lord.
7.4th Bhava is Dagdha Rashi.
8.4th Lord is Ava Yogi.
9.Shatru Garaha’s are posited in the 4th Bhava.
10.4th Lord is Neecha, Parama Neecha, or Combusted.
11.4th Lord is at Graha Yudha.
The South East segment is known as South-East block. Dikpalaka of South-East is Agni. Hence it is called as Agneya. The Graha Shukra is the Adipathi for South-East corner. Shukra is kalthrakaraka who rules the females of the house.
The affliction of South-East may be due to:
1.Missing right angle in North East corner.
2.Extension of South-East corner –
(a) If the East of South-East extension it amounts to North-East missing right angle.
(b) If the South of the South-East extension it amounts to South-West missing right angle.
3.The underground water sump situated in the South-East segment.
4.The overhead tank is situated in the terrace in the South-East corner.
5.The toilets are situated in the South-East corner of the building.
6.The septic tank is situated in the South-East corner of the plot.
7.The Sea, Ocean, River, Pond, Lake, Sewage drainage, situated in South-East.
All the above mentioned Doshas gives rise to worries, disadvantages, unhappiness, bad health, misfortunes, disappointments, acute or chronic ailments, to the all females – both married and unmarried – who dwell in this building. If the female is unmarried then her marriage may get delayed or she might not get a proper groom, if married the compatibility with the husband will not be harmonious.
If there are no Doshas then the opposite is true and Shukra gives peace, advantages, happiness, good health and more. If the female is unmarried, she will get a good groom and her marriage will take place at the proper age. If married, the compatibility with the husband will be harmonious.
* Whenever there is a major Doshas in the 4th Bhava in the native’s horoscope or in the dwelling place.
*Then the native should avoid owning or investing on any land, property, buildings, etc.
*Alternatively, he can invest in his family member’s name, like Mother, Father, Wife, Children.

पानीमाथि राजनीति

विश्वमा पानीको हाहाकार मच्चिन थालिसकेको छ । काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा त पानीकोसमस्या ज्युँको त्युँ छ । विश्वकै दोस्रो ठूलो जलस्रोतको राष्ट्र भनेर पढाइएको राष्ट्रमा त खानेपानीको यस्तो समस्या छ । उचित सिंचाइको व्यवस्था नभएर हजारौँ हेक्टर जग्गाजमिन सुख्खा रहिरहन्छन् र हामीले आलुदेखि प्याजसम्म विदेशबाट आयात गरेर दसैँ- तिहार मनाउने गर्दछौँ भने अन्य मुलुकहरू जहाँ प्राकृतिकरूपमा नै जलस्रोतको अवस्था त्यति मजबुत छैन भने त्यसको हालत के होला - सबैले सजिलै अनुमान लगाउन सक्दछन् । उता वायुमण्डलीय उष्णताको कारण हिमालमा हिउँ पग्लिएर हिमालहरू सुख्खा पहाडमा परिणत हुने क्रम बढ्दो छ । यसतर्फहामी सबैको ध्यान जानु आवश्यक छ । किनकि पानीबिना जीवनको परिकल्पना पनि सम्भव छैन ।अमेरिकाले हालसालै पानीको खोजीको लागि चन्द्रमामा अभियान चलाएको छ । यो अभियानले सफलता पाउला, नपाउला त्यो आफ्नो ठाउमा छँदैछ । के चन्द्रमामा पानी भेटिए त्यो अमेरिकाको सम्पत्ति हुन्छ या पूरा मानव जातिको यो छलफलको विषय हुनुपर्दछ । पानी कसैको पेवा, व्यक्तिगत सम्पत्ति हुनुहुँदैन । जसरी जमिन जङ्गल पेवा, व्यक्तिगत सम्पत्तिमा दर्ता गराइन्छ । तर, पानी त्यसरी व्यक्तिगत सम्पत्तिमा दर्ता गर्ने हो भने यसले मानव जातिमाथि प्रकृतिले दिएको उपहारको उपहास हुनेछ । पानी सबैको साझा हो, साझा हुनुपर्दछ र यसलाई व्यक्तिगत सम्पत्तिको रूपमा प्रयोग गर्नु र स्वीकार गर्नु हुँदैन ।

Monday, November 2, 2009

Aspects of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra was invented for human welfare by Rishis (priests) in the Vedic period. Vastu - the architecture of dwellers, Shastra- the principle of accumulating cosmic energy to the living space of the dwellers for the better cause. Its fundamental principle lies in the Puran (comprehensive perception of nature), gravitational, radiation and magnetic force flowing from different directions and sub-directions. The positive effects and negative effects can be created through its measures which have already being proved by the scientific study and analysis. Its logical principles lead  to  a happy and prosperous life, therefore it is essential that people have its fundamental knowledge.
Human body is made of five elements of nature (Pancha Mahabhut or Pancha tatwo) viz: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether (sky), and their effects on human life are substantial. The proportional combination of these five elements produces bio-electro magnetic energy which entirely influences our mind and body. Human body acquires protein, carbohydrates etc from these five elements in order to acquire internal energy. The Mis-balance or deficiency of these elements in human body may cause undesired outcome which are often harmful. These in turn lead to stress and strange behaviours in people.
Vaastu Shastra deals with the ways to keep he body and mind in a perfect condition by balancing these five elements. That’s why the principal of balancing the five elements earth, water, air, fire and sky is called the Vaastu Shastra.
Vastu Shastra essentially deals with two source of energies; Life force energy and Geo magnetic energy. The revolution and the rotation of the earth create Life Force energy and Geo-magnetic energy respectively. The life force energy is essential to protect and strengthen our physical body; hence the name Life Force (Pranik Vayu). The Geo-magnetic energy also known as Bhu-Chumbakia Urja contains the cell activating energy that has a direct connection with the mind.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

जन्म कुण्डली Natal Chart

जन्म कुण्डलीलाई बुझ्नको लागि र्सव प्रथम सौर मण्डल Solar System को बारेमा केही जान्नु आवश्यक छ । किनकि ज्योतिषशास्त्र आकाश मण्डलका अनगिन्ती तारा मण्डलहरू मध्यको केवल हाम्रो सौर्य मण्डलसँग मात्रै सम्बन्ध राख्दछ । आकाशमा यस्ता अनेकौं सौर्यमण्डल भएको वेद पुराणमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ । त्यसैले हाम्रो सौर्यमण्डलका सूर्य  लगायत ९ ग्रहको जानकारी हुन जरुरी छ । हाम्रो ज्योतिष शास्त्रमा ९ ग्रह १. सूर्य २.चन्द्रमा ३.वृहस्पति ४. शुक्र ५. बुध ६.मंगल ७. शनी ८. राहु ९ केतु छन् । पाश्चात्य देशमा प्रजापति Uranus तथा बरुण Neptune लाई पनि ग्रहको रूपमा मान्दछन तर हामी ९ ग्रहलाई मात्रै प्राथमिकता दिन्छौं किनकि पाश्चात्य ज्योतिर्विदले मानेका ग्रहहरू पृथ्वी भन्दा धेरै टाढा रहेका हुनाले त्यसको प्रभाव कम मात्रामा पर्दछ । हाम्रो ज्योतिषशास्त्रमा ९ ग्रहको अतिरिक्त २७ नक्षत्रको पनि महत्व छ । नक्षत्र ताराहरूको समुह हो । पृथ्वी सहित चन्द्रमा ग्रह तथा नक्षेत्र सूर्यको वरिपरी घुम्दछन् ।
पृथ्वी जुन मार्ग भएर सूर्यको परिक्रमा गर्दछ त्यसलाई क्रान्तिवृत्त Ecliptic  भन्दछन् र यो मार्ग अण्डाकार छ । क्रान्तिवृत्तको उत्तर र दक्षिण दिशामा ९-९ अंशको एक कल्पित पेटी Belt खिचिएको छ । यो १८ अंशको भागलाई नै राशिचक्र Zodiac भनिन्छ । यो राशि चक्रको मान ३६०. मानिएको छ । पृथ्वी सहित अन्य ग्रह चन्द्रमा तथा नक्षत्र (तारा समूह) क्रान्तिवृत्तमा या त्यसको उत्तर दक्षिण दिशामा राशिचक्रको १८ अंशको पेटीमा घुम्दछन् तथा विभिन्न समयमा सूर्यको परिक्रमा गर्दछन ।
कुनै व्यक्तिको जन्म समयमा जन्म स्थानको आकाशमा राशिचक्र Zodiac को जुन नक्शा बन्दछ । त्यसैलाई जन्म कुण्डली Natal Chart भन्दछन् । कुण्डलीमा सूर्यचन्द्रमा ग्रह तथा नक्षत्रको स्थिति देखाएको हुन्छ ।

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