Saturday, August 29, 2009

माधवनेपालको सरकार धरापमा

माधवकुमार नेपालले गणतान्त्रिक नेपालका दोस्रो प्रधानमन्त्रीको रूपमा वि.सं.२०६६ साल जेठ ११ गते सोमबार बिहान ११ बजेर ५ मिनेटमा सपथग्रहण गर्नुभएको छ ।उक्त समयमा काठमाडौको पर्ूर्वीय क्षितिजमा कर्कट लग्नको मीन नवमांश उदाइरहेको थियो।कर्कट लग्न आफैँमा चर लग्न हो अर्थात् यस लग्नमा गरिएका कुनै पनि कामहरू चिरस्थायी नहुने मुहर्ू ज्योतिषमा व्याख्या गरिएको पाइन्छ।यसको आधारमा ज्योतिर्विज्ञानअनुसार नेपालको मन्त्रिमण्डल आफ्नो काल पूरा गर्न नपाउँदै बीचमा नै विघटन हुन जाने देखिन्छ। त्यसैगरी,शिरमा केतु बस्नु पनि ज्योतिर्विज्ञान शिर छेद्न हुने जनाउँदछ अर्थात् नेपालको मन्त्रिमण्डल बीचमा नै छिन्नभिन्न नहोला भन्न सकिँदैन । तर,त्यस समयमा मंगल र शुक्र एकदमै शुभ स्थितिमा छन् । यसले केही वैदेशिक सहायतामा वृद्धि गर्नेछ र मन्त्रिमण्डल विदेशीको इशारामा बढी चल्नेछ । दुःखको कुरा सप्तम स्थानमा रहेको राहुको कारण सत्ता साझेदार दलहरूले बीचमा नै हात झिकी दिने र नेपालको मन्त्रिमण्डलले सहयोगी दलहरूबाट नै षड्यन्त्रको सामना गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । दोस्रो स्थानमा रहेका शनि २०६६ सालको असोज ७ गतेसम्म बढी नै कष्टकारक रहने देखिन्छ । यसले मन्त्रिमण्डलको विकास र विस्तारमा समेत कचिङ्गल खडा गनर्े छ । ग्रहदशाको अध्ययन गर्दा २००९ को डिसेम्बरसम्म अन्तरमा रहने भद्रिकाले सरकारलाई धरापमा पानर्े देखिन्छ । विशेष गरेर २००९ को जुन १३ देखि अगस्ट ३० र २००९ को अक्टोबर २७ देखि डिसेम्बर ५ सम्मको समय नेपालको मन्त्रिमण्डलको लागि विशेष घातक रहने छ । प्रधानमन्त्री माधवकुमार नेपालको व्यक्तिगत जन्मकुण्डलीको अध्ययन गर्दा पनि उहाँका ग्रहहरू खासै अनुकूल देखिँदैनन् । उहाँलाई वर्तमान समयमा विंशोत्तरी दशाअनुसार २०६५ सालको भदौदेखि २०६८ सालको भदौसम्म शुक्रभित्र राहुको अन्तर रहिरहने छ । जन्मकुण्डलीमा राहू पञ्चम स्थान -सट्टा, चिठ्ठा, लोटरी) मा बस्नु नै प्रधानमन्त्री बन्ने चिठ्ठा परेको देखिन्छ ।

Hora and Its Use

The ecliptic is the apparent pathway of the sun in the Heavens. The planets and the other luminary moon, follow their own individual tracks which lie along the ecliptic on north and south of it. This width on either side is about 7.5 degree and hence the pathway of the planets is around 15 degree in width, having the ecliptic in its center. This is called Zodiac.
If one observes, it will appear that the whole Zodiac goes round the earth once a day, i.e. once in 24 hours and the same portion of the zodiac raises in the east in 23 hours 56 minutes and few seconds.
As the Zodiac is divided into 12 equal parts called solar mansion (sign or Rashi), each Division will be appearing in the east roughly for duration of 2 hours. In other words, the previous sign will appear to rise up in the heavens and the next sign will commence to rise nearly two hours after the previous sign began to rise. Hence the 12 signs rise in the east, roughly at an interval of 2 hours.
The Hindu astrologers have subdivided each sign into two halves and called such a division as a Hora. Hence roughly one hour is needed for each hora to rise in the east or pass through the Meridian. But the Hindu astrologers, in olden days did not calculate the time in hours and minutes. They used to measure in Ghatis and Vighatis. Hence a day is of 60 Ghatis. Hence each sign is approximately 5 Ghatis and half a sign or a hora will be about 2.5 Ghaties.
Pharos in Chaldean star says: In remote and ancient Chaldean the knowledge of the stars and the framing of the Zodiac were the result of divinely inspired gifts to the wise men.
The book of Genesis, the Mosaic Era, the babylonic and Hindu empires were non existent when the Chaldean sages laid down the axiom that Obstral spheres exert continual influence on terrestrial life. Chaldeans followed the hora and found out the influence of the planets over the affairs of the people. Also it was said that certain hours are advantageous for certain matter and certain hours are unfortunate for some affairs. This Method is called Hora.
As Regards Hora Division, The Hindus take the time of sunrise for their calculations. But Westerns and Chaldeans in a different manner. The divide the interval between the time of sunrise and noon into 6 equal parts and each will be little more or less than an hour depending upon the interval between sunrise and noon, similarly the interval between noon and sunset is into 6 equal parts.
But the order of planet ruling the first hour (a little more or less according to this calculation) is ruled by the lord of day. The other hours are ruled by the other planets in the same order as is followed by the Hindus. Only the duration of each planetary hour division varies.
Week Days & Day Lord:-
1.Sunday (sun) 2.Monday (moon) 3. Tuesday (Mars) 4. Wednesday (mercury) 5.Thursday (Jupiter) 6 Friday (Venus) 7. Saturday (Saturn)
First hora starts after the time of sunrise and day lord will be hora lord. And second hora starts after one hour of first hora and so on. Second hora lord will be fifth day lord.
I.e. Sunday first hora lord is sun; second hora lord will be Jupiter. And so on...
Sun Hora is for signing contracts, to commit forgery, to register documents, to appeal for promotion, to have mantras, to enter into politics.
Moon Hora is perfect to undertake any new venture.
Mars Hora is good for the Commander –in –Chief to prepare for war, buying lands To prepare arms, spears instruments, dagger to excavate..
Mercury Hora is good for to draft important documents, to purchase lottery tickets, bonds, securities, shares, or prize bond..
Jupiter hora is for to study veda, astrology, Law, economics, to meet ministers or high post officials, to open bank account, to purchase vehicles, marriages,
Venus Hora is good for to meet hard task –master and who is moody. to write love letters, to buy jewels, diamonds, to buy scooter, start agricultural operations,
To start Music, Colleges, Cinema, Theatres, Studios.
Saturn Hora is good for to practice yoga or meditation, for illegal intimacy, to start petrol, oil, coal, leather business.
These are the important investigations to any undertakings and usual business.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Barak Obama's Prediction

Barak Obama's Prediction Made By Astrologer Dr.S.Suneel

सत्ययुग कि कलियुग ?

पुराणका कतिपय श्लोकहरू आफूआफूमै विवादास्पद देखिन्छन् । किनकि एउटै पुराणमा पनि जुनजुन चिजको पुष्टि गरिएको हुन्छ । त्यसैको विरोधाषपर्ूण्ा श्लोकहरू पनि हुन्छन् । पुराण अनुसार नै कलियुगको पूर्ण्ाायू ४३२००० वर्षउल्लेख भएको प्रायः सबै पुराणमा पाइन्छ । माहाभारत तथा विष्णु पुराणको व्याख्या आपै-आपैमा विरोधाभाषपर्ूण्ा देखिन्छ । किनभने

यदा चन्द्रश्च र्सर्ूयश्च तथा तिष्यश्च बृहस्पति ।

एक राशौँ समेष्यन्ति तदा भवति वे कृतम् ।।

विष्णु पुराण ४।२४।१०२

यदा चन्द्रश्च र्सर्ूयश्च तथा तिष्यश्च वृहस्पति ।

एक राशौ समेष्यन्ति प्रयत्स्याति तदा कृतम् ।।

महाभारत वन पर्व १।९०

माथि उल्लेखित श्लोकहरूमा एकै राशीका तिष्य नक्षत्रमा र्सर्ूय, चन्द्र र वृहस्पतिको गोचरीय भ्रमण हुँदा कलियुग समाप्ति भई सत्ययुगको प्रारम्भ हुने उल्लेख छ । यसप्रकारको ग्रहयोग वि.सं. २००० श्रावण १७ गते आइतबार औँशी अर्थात् १ अगस्त १९४३ मा परेको थियो । त्यस दिनको ठीक १२ बजेको ग्रह स्पष्टमा र्सर्ूय ३।१४। ३८ चन्द्र ३।१४।३८ वृहस्पति ३।१४।३८ यसप्रकार तीनै ग्रह एकै अंश, कला तिष्य नक्षत्रका नै छन् । यस दिन कलियुगको समाप्ति हुन्छ भनिएको छ । गणितीय आधार वि.सं. २००० गत कलि ५०८५ मात्र छ । अन्य पुराणहरूको व्याख्या मध्य कलिको आयू ४३२०००० वर्षभनेर मान्ने कि - वि.सं. २००० को श्रावण कृष्ण आमावस्यामा कलियुग समाप्त भएर वर्तमान समय सत्य युग हो भनेर मान्ने । यो विरोधाभाषपर्ूण्ा देखिन्छ । यसलाई पुराणविद् तथा गणितज्ञहरूबाट स्पष्ट पारी भ्रम निवारणको आशा राखिएको छ ।

Feng Shui Chinese Vastu...

Feng Shui is a Chinese world .Its meaning is Wind and water. The Chinese are opinion that the success or failure in human life is related to the mysterious powers obtained from Earth. They do not give much importance to human actions. Prosperity, health and fortune are related to the natural powers of water and wind obtained from Earth, is their firm belief.
The ancient emperors of china used to take the advice of the experts on Feng Shui before starting any construction social or political. Before the organization of war also the Feng Shui experts were consulted. Even presently, the science of Feng Shui is approved in china .Some people are opinion that the death of Kung-fu champion Bruce lee was due to the fact that he was living in an unfortunate house which was built against the principles of Feng Shui. The science of FengShui prospered in china and is now spreading to America and the other western countries.
In the Feng shui Science Ch’I is an important constituent. Ch’I is the Motivating force which cerates virility in living things and plants. Ch’I decides the highest of mountain. The merit or level of happy atmosphere and the eligibility of work energy is decided by Ch’I without Ch’I trees won’t get fresh leaves, the rivers will not flow. Not only the living things but inanimate likes stones also take in out Ch’I .
As per the Chinese alphabetical list the concept of Ch’I as a power has enriched acupuncture, medicine, Kung Fu to Feng Shui.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

General Characteristics of Rasis

According Hindu Astrology,The whole zodiac is nothing but a manifestation of Lord Vishnu’s body. Aries is the head.Taurus is the face.Gemini is the arms. Cancer is the heart.Leo is the stomach. Virgo is the hip.Libra is the space below navel. Scorpio is the private parts. Sagittarius is the thighs. Capricorn is the knees.Aquarius is the ankles. Pisces is the feet.
These are the limbs that rasis in the natural zodiac stand for. Because we are all part of the Supreme energy governing this world, the above mapping applies to us too.
Aries: Dynamic, enterprising, valiant, ruddy, head, forests, large forehead, hasty, impulsive, restless, thick eyebrows, leadership, overbearing, dry, lean, tall.
Taurus: Beautiful, face, stable, sluggish, loyal, meadows, plains, luxury halls, dining halls, eating places, fine teeth, large eyes, luxurious, faithful, thick hair, stout.
Gemini: Chest, garden, communication, journalism, schools, colleges, study rooms, cables, telephone, newspapers, tall, well-built, prominent cheeks, thick hair, broad chest, curious, learned, jovial.
Cancer: Heart, breast, watery fields, rivers, canals, kitchen, food, attractive, small build, emotional, deeply attached, mother-like, sensitive.
Leo: Stomach, digestion, navel, mountains, forests, caves, deserts, palaces, parks, forts, boilers, steel factories, thin, dry, hot, royal, self-pride, insolent, domineering.
Virgo: Hip, appendix, lush gardens, fields, orchards, libraries, bookstores, farms, intelligent, sharp, orator, nervous, physically weak, discretion, tactfulness.
Libra: Groins, Businessmen, markets, trade centers, banks, hotels, amusement parks, entertainment, toilets, cosmetics, balanced, wise, good talker.
Scorpio: Private parts, holes, deep caves, mines, garrages, small build, dusky complexion, bright eyes, secretive, scheming, occult, best friend or a worst enemy, peevish, sensitive.
Sagittarius: Thighs, royal, attorneys, government offices, aircraft, falling, sparse hair, muscular, deep eyes, uproght, honest, genial, gambler.
Capricorn: Knees, marsh lands, watery places, alligators, beasts, bushes, slender buils, long neck, prominent teeth, witty, perfectionist, patient, organizer, cautious, secretive, pragmatic.
Aquarius: Ankles, charity, philosophy, tall, bony, small eyes, mountain spring, places with water, ill-formed teeth, coarse hair, hard-working, stoic, honest.
Pisces: Feet, oceans, seas, prisons, hospitals, hermitages, short, plump, large eyes, large eyebrows, lazy, emotional, timid, honest, irresolute, talkative, intuitive.

विश्वकै पहिलो प्रेम विवाह

हिमालपारिको राज्य भनेर चिनिने मुस्ताङ्ग आजसम्म पनि विभिन्न रहस्य र कौतुहलताले भरिपर्ूण्ा छ । दक्षिण भारतीय एक ब्राम्हण शिव नै पहिलो मुस्ताङ पुग्ने पर्यटक हुन । यसलाई पर्यटन विभागले पनि प्रचार-प्रसारमा ल्याए राम्रो हुने थियो । जब शिव यस पावन भूमिमा पुगे तब उनी ध्यान मुद्रामा बस्दा, हिमालय पवर्तकी छोरी पार्वतीले उनलाई देखिन र मनमनै शिवप्रति प्रेम गर्न थालिन पछि पार्वतीले आफ्नो पिता हिमालय पर्वतलाई बिहे गरे शिवसँग नै गर्ने अरू कसैसँग पनि नगर्ने भनी विभिन्न व्रत उपासना साथै जिद्दी गर्न थालिन । आखिरमा हिमालय पर्वतले आफ्नी छोरी पार्वतीको बिहे शिवसँग नै गराइदिए । यसरी यो शिव-पार्वतीको विवाह नै विश्वको पहिलो प्रेम विवाहको साथसाथै अर्न्तजातीय विवाह पनि मान्नसकिन्छ । शिव दक्षिण भारतीय ब्राम्हण थिए । जो कालो वर्ण्र्ाा तिखा आँखा चुच्चो नाक भएका थिए भने पार्वती गोरी थेप्चो नाक गरेकी थिइन् ।

विश्व को पहिलो प्रेम पत्र

अहिले सम्म प्राप्त प्रमाण हरु को आधारमा रुक्मिणीले भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण लाई लेखेको पत्र नै विश्व को पहेलो प्रेम पत्र मानिएको छ
"हे त्रिभुवन सुन्दर ! आफ्नो गुणगान सुन्नेहरूको हृदयमा कानद्वारा प्रवेश गरेर उनीहरूको प्रत्येक अङ्गकातापलाई शान्त गरिदिनुहुन्छ । मैले तपाईंको उपर्युक्त गुणहरू सुनेकी छु । संसारमा आँखा भएका प्राणी जति छन्, तिनीहरूको आँखा हुनाको सबभन्दा ठूलो फाइदा आफ्नो आँखाले समस्त स्वार्थ र परमार्थका एक मात्र आश्रय तपाईंको रूपको दर्शन गर्न पाउनु नै हो । मैले तपाईंको रूपको वर्ण्र्ाापनि सुनेकी छु । हे अच्युत ! त्यसै कारणले मेरो चित्त लोकलज्जालाई छाडेर तपाईंको चिन्तनमा तन्मय भइराखेको छु । हे मुकुन्द ! शील, कुल, स्वभाव, सौर्न्दर्य, विद्या, अवस्था, ऐर्श्वर्य तथा प्रभाव आफू समान नै हुनुहुन्छ अर्थात् तपाईं समान अरु कोही छैन । तपाईलाई देख्दा सबै प्रसन्न हुन्छन् । हे पुरुषसिंह ! तपाईं नै भन्नुहोस् न, विवाहयोग्य भएको कुन यस्ती कुलवती, गुणवती, तथा बुद्धिमती कन्या होली जो कि तपाईंलाई पतिका रूपमा वरण नगरोस् । यसैले मैले मनैमनमा तपाईलाई पतिकारूपमा वरण गरिसकेकी छु र तपाईंमा आत्मर्समर्पण गरिसकेकी छु । हे कमलनयन ! जसरी स्यालले सिंहको भाग खोसेर लैजान सक्दैन, त्यसैगरी, हे वीर ! तपाईंमा समर्पित भएकी मलाई चेदिराज शिशुपालले यहाँ आएर मेरो शरीरमा र्स्पर्श गर्न नपाओस् । यदि मैले जन्मजन्मात्रमा इनार, पोखरी आदि खनाएकी रहिछु, यज्ञयाग आदि गरेकी रहिछु, दान, नियम, व्रत तथा देवता, ब्राहृमण र गुरु आदिको पूजाद्वारा अलिकता पनिर् इश्वरको आराधना गरेकी छु भने भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण यहाँ आएर मेरो पाणिग्रहण गर्नुहोस् । उहाँबाहेक दमवोषका छोराले अथवा अरु कसैले मलाई छुन नपाओस् । हे प्रभो ! तपाईं अजेय हुनुहुन्छ, तपाई कित्न सक्ने यस संसारमा कोही छैन । मेरो विववाह हुने एक दिन अगावै यावत् सेनापतिहरूसहित विर्भेदेशमा आएर शिशुपाल र जरासन्धका सेनालाई नष्ट, भ्रष्ट पारेर वीरताको मूल्य चुकाएर राक्षसविधानअनुसार मसँग विवाह गर्नुहोस् । तिनी जन्तपुरमा बस्दछ्यौ, तिमरा दाजुभाइ बन्धर्ुवर्गहरूलाई नमारिकन तिमीलाई कसरी लैजान सकूला भन्नु हुन्छ भने म उपाय बताउँछु । हाम्रो कुलको रीतिरिवाजअनुसार विवाहभन्दा एक दिन पहिला कुलदेवीको दर्शन गर्ने ठूलो यात्रा हुन्छ । त्यस यात्रामा नवबधुले सहर बाहिर पार्वतीको मन्दिरमा पैदल जानर्ुपर्दछ । त्यसबेलामा तपाईंले मलाई हरेर लैजान सक्नुहुन्छ । हे कमलनयन ! उमापति शंकर बाहिर ठूलाठूला महापुरुषहरू पनि आफ्नो बाहृय कारणको अज्ञान हटाउन तपाईंको चरणको धुलाले स्नान गर्ने इच्छा गर्दछन् । भाग्वयश मैले तपाईंले चरणकमलको धूलो पाइन् भनेमा व्रतद्वारा आफ्नो शरीर सुकाएर प्राणत्याग्नेछु । त्यसरी सय जन्मसम्म गर्दै जाँदा तपाईंको प्रसाद अवश्य पाउनेछु।"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Prediction For 2066

Prediction Of Vikrama Sambat 2066

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Law of karma

Time is a primary factor. Vishnu Puran says Law of Karma is so powerful that living beings have no emancipation from the rigours of law of karma even after destruction of the world. When creator Brahma starts recreation of the world after destruction, living beings are reborn in accordance with there previous karma.
Vishnu Puran has laid stress on law of karma but it has at the same time given Samkhya explanation of the phenomenon also in sloka 65.
Vedatha Darsan chapter 4 1st pada, sutra 15 emphasises that one has to be reborn till effects of one’s Prarabdha Karma are not fully exhausted.
In Prasnopanishad, Prashna 6 Sristikarma, it is said that matters and bodies are created for bearing the fruits of karma.It further says that the universe itself in the result of karma.
Lord Krishna gives a different explanation in Bhagwat Geeta. He says should I not engage in performing deeds, great harm will come to the world as people may follow May way of inaction. If I cease to act, these worlds will perish; nay I may prove to be the cause of confusion and of the destruction of these people. (Chapter 3)Lord Krishna gives an equal weightage to samkhya view when he says that all our deeds are performed by the modes of primordial matter.
Also he says all living creatures follow their tendencies. Even the wise moon acts according to the tendencies of his own nature of what use is my external restraint.
In Chapter 5 of Bhagawat Geeta Lord Krishna says that god determines neither the doer ship not the doings of men, or even their contact with the fruits of action but it is Nature along that functions.
When parasr says the Supreme lord itself has incarnated as the nine planets to bestow on the living beings, the result of their previous deeds or also when Parasar says that Jeevatma portions from the planets take births as human beings and live their lives according to their karmas and again merge into the planets, it is a clear hint that the supreme beings enforces law of karma through nature in a natural way and not min any supernatural manner s we mortals ordinarily do believe. Like Bhagwat Geeta astrology too has its deeps roots in Vedanta and Samkhya schools of Philosophy.
Praising the Law of Karma, Vishnu Puran says that we are all born due to operation of the law of karma. Karma gives us result as per merits and demerits of our deeds. We therefore, must Endeavour to perform righteous and virtuous deeds.


शनैश्चरानिष्टफलनिवारणार्थे अश्वत्थवृक्षपर््रार्थना ।।
साँढे सात,अढैया दशाबाट छुटकारा पाउनको निमित्त गरिने पिप्पलवृक्ष -अश्वत्थ) को पर््रार्थना ।
अश्वत्थ ! यस्मिन् त्वयि वृक्षराज !नारायणे तिष्ठति सौरिवारे ।।
अतः श्रुतस्वं सततं तरुणां) धन्यो˜सि चानिष्टविनाशको˜सि ।।१।।

वृक्षहरूका राजा हे पिपलवृक्ष ! जब शनिबार आउँछ, तब हजुरमा भगवान् नारायण बास बस्नु हुँदा सबै वृक्षहरूको प्रख्यात ख्याति कहलाएका तपाईंले साँढे साती र अढैया दशाबाट हुने दुःख, दर्द सधैँ नाश गर्नुहुन्छ । यसकारण तपाईं
धन्य गुणी हुनुहुन्छ ।
य इदं शृणुते भक्त्या नरो˜श्वत्थस्य सन्निधौ ।
तारकाग्रहदोषाणं शीघ्रमेव विनश्यति ।।२।।

पिप्पल वृक्षको सामुन्ने गएर जो मानिस यो माथि बताइएको स्तोत्र सुन्ने वा पढ्ने काम गर्ला त्यसको निमित्त तारका
धूम्रकेतु र ग्रह आदिका दोषहरूको तुरुन्त-तुरुन्तै नाश भएर जान्छ ।
मूलतो ब्रहृमरूपाय मध्यतो विष्णरुपिणे ।
अग्रतः शिवरूपाय वृक्षराजाय ते नमः ।।३।।

जरामा ब्रहृमाको रूप भएका, मध्यभागमा विष्णुको रूप भएका र अग्रभाग -टुपो) मा शिवजीको रूप भएका सम्पर्ूण्ा -रुख) का राजा तपाईं अश्वत्थ देवतालाई बारम्बार नमस्कार छ ।

Vastu Tips For Health

1.Being in a room that is constantly lit by such light can cause headaches, eyestrain, loss of energy and nausea.
2. Fluorescent tubes can interfere with vibrations of the human body, causing people to be hyperactive and irritable.
3. Full spectrum lights are very healthy as they resemble the spectral light found in natural daylight, and working under them improves mood and performance.
4. Blue light is soothing and cooling but should not be used for reading.
5. Green light helps to relax and unwind. It is also a healing light, speeding up the body's own healing mechanism.
6. Orange light is used to combat depression and lift mood. It creates a friendly and a communicative atmosphere.
7. Pink light is useful where a loving and nurturing environment is needed. It also has muscle-relaxing qualities.
8. Red light is physically warming and emotionally arousing. It keep the person charged up and active.
9. Violet light is used in mental institutions to help people with obsessive behavior patterns and neuroses. It harmonizes mental and emotional state.
10. Tulsi should be placed in the north to develop fortitude and awareness.
11. Eucalyptus stimulates clear thinking.
12. Bamboo symbolizes longevity, durability and endurance. Grow bamboo on the left side of your house or at the back.
13. Chrysanthemums symbolize purity and honesty.
14. The jade or Chinese money plant attracts abundance and prosperity. It should be small, about 15 cm, and never exceed 3 ft.
15. Keeping hibiscus in the bedroom promotes sexual compatibility.
16. The sunflower helps in creating opportunities and brings in positive energy.
17. The jasmine is considered an aphrodisiac as well as an anti-depressant. It is also said to bestow divine hope and grace.
18. Prickly plants like cacti and spiky leafed plants like the spider, fern and palm are to be avoided indoors because they generate negativity.
19. Bonsai are the most inauspicious for wealth or luck as it symbolizes that stunted growth and energy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Astrological Advice For Vastu

1.Do not start construction on Sunday and Tuesday.
2.Avoid foundation or initiation in the ascendance or Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
3.Do not start constructing the house if malefic is situated in 3rd 6th and 11th house of the horoscope.
4.If 6th 8th and 12th house have benefices planets in the house, do not construct. 5.Hasta, Pushya, Revati, Magha, Purvashada,and Mool associated with mars , if they fall on Tuesday, then work should not be undertaken in that Nakshatra, otherwise it gives fear from fire and theft and sorrow from son.
6.Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada, Jyestha, Anuradha, Swati, Bharani associated with Saturn, if it falls in Saturday the work undertaken such Nakshatra makes the house inauspicious as evil spirit.
7.If the sun is weak, seating, or debilitated in the day of house construction, then the owner of house dies.
8.If the moon is weak of debilitated on the day then the wife of owner dies.
9.If Jupiter becomes weak and debilitation on the day starting the construction the loss of wealth is inevitable.
10.Do not start construction a house on Rikta Tithi, i.e. 4/9/14 of the lunar month.
11.At the time of laying foundation, the sun of Gemini provides death, Virgo gives disease, Sagittarius provides bad result and Pisces gives disease and fear.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

प्रभावशाली वास्तु टिप्स

1) कुनै पनि कुनामा सेभ, राख्दा, बस्दा या फाइलहरू राख्दा त्यसको महत्व शून्य हुनजान्छ अर्थात् त्यसको महत्व हुँदैन ।
२) मङ्गलबार या शनिबार कदापि नयाँ काम सुरु नगर्ने बुधबार बिहान ११ बजेपछि र शुक्रबार गरिएका काम सफल हुनेछन् ।
३) उत्तर, इशान एवं पर्ूवबाट अग्निको सामान हटाएर आग्नेय कोणमा राख्दा लगभग घरको सबै कामकुरा ठीक हुँदै जानेछन् ।
४) आग्नेय कोणमा भान्छा कोठा बनाएमा स्वास्थ्य र धनलाभ प्रायः सदैव भइनै रहन्छ ।

५) सदैव सुत्दा दक्षिण शिर राखेर सुत्ने । दक्षिण या ढोकातर्फपाइताला फर्काएर सुत्दा सदैव अनर्थ मात्रै हुनेछ ।
६) विशेष लाभ चाहनुहुन्छ भने पश्चिम भित्ताको आडमा पश्चिम पैताला राखी सुत्नुहोस् ।
७) तपाईंको पछाडि, झयाल, ढोका या खुल्ला हुनुहुँदैन । पछाडि भित्ता भएमा तपाईंलाई साहस एवं सहारा मिल्नेछ ।
८) दिशा या पिसाब गर्दा उत्तर या दक्षिण मुख गरी गर्दा पनि दैवीय सहायता मिल्नेछ ।
९) आग्नेय कोणमा बस्दा मानसम्मान एवं पदप्रतिष्ठा बढ्ने छ ।
१०) दक्षिण भागमा पाइप, पोल या बाँस राखी उचाइ बढाउँदा पनि घरमा शुभफल पैदा हुनेहुन्छ ।
११) यदि घरको उत्तरपर्ूव अग्लो र दक्षिण-पश्चिम उँचो छ भने त्यस्तो घरमा विभिन्न दर्ुभाग्यको सामना गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । स्वास्थ्य खराब एव. ऋण, रोग, शोक थपिन सक्छ ।
१२) शनिबारको दिन पिपल वृक्षलाई चिनी-पानी, चिनी-चामल मोलेर या तेल चढाउँदा धनलाभ हुने हुन्छ ।
१३) दक्षिण-पश्चिम उँचो भएको ठाउँमा बसोबास गर्दा उन्नति हुनेछ ।

Astrological programme in Image Channel

Nepal's First Live Astrology Show By Expert Astrologer Dr.S.Suneel

Janam Kundali with Sunita

Janam Kundai Live Astrology television Show....

Magneto Therapy

The art of healing by the application of magnets to the diseased parts of the human body is called Magenotherapy. it is a clinical system in which human aliments are treated and cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients .The bio-Medical scientists have discovered that the human body has its own magnetic field. These fields are generally generated by minute current in brain, heart, and other organs of body. When magnet is brought very close to the body, immediate reaction is noticed which relives and cues a number of disease without medicines and sometimes creates miracles.
The earliest reference about healing prosperities of magnet is found in the “Atharvaved”. Even the Egyptians are said to be well –acquainted with the usage of magnets in course of preservation of the mummies from decaying. Renowned philosophers like plato and many more admitted the power of magnets.
The word magnet is derived from magnesia, a city in Asia Minor where magnetic iron-ore was found in abundance. The mention of universal magnetite appeared in Greek writing around early 80 B.C. Even the Chinese got familiar with the qualities of magnets in the early 2nd century, through they developed a compass from magnet as late as in the year 1300.
In the 16th Century P.A. Paracelsus, a Swiss alchemist and physician, was the first to throw light on healing powers of the magnet. He observed that it could be useful for both internal and external aliments like inflammations, influences, ulcerations and many diseases of bowels and uterus. In the 18th Century Father Hall, a professor of Astronomy followed Paracelsus and treated nervous men and women by applying magnets, as remedial tools to their bodies.
Basic Principles of Magnetism:-Any biological system consists of molecules which are conjunctions of atoms having charged particles like electrons and nucli. These charged particles get displaced driven by the magnetic effects, Change of place creates s stress in the activity e.g. an activity in the ions.
The displacement of the charged particles even generates an extra pervasive heat in the system.
The associated magnetic field helps in receiving and sending nervous signals through brain by generating eclectic impulses together with the chemicals present in the body. The externally applied magnets help to restore the wakening or irregularity of the body caused by any external or internal stimulus.
Advantages of Magneto Therapy:-
Magneto Therapy is a treatment where no drugs are used. Therefore it is safe to take magnetic treatment when a person is under allopathic, homoeopathic or Ayurvedic medicine.
The application of magnet in the body improves blood circulation, nervous respiratory and other natural systems which help in speedy recovery when drug is taken for ailment.
Magneto Therapy is a process of natural cure and probably the simplest method of external treatment which could be applied to any kind of disabled patients. Compared to Yoga, disabled patients find it more effective method
Mental stress, depression, exhaustion and other seasonal hazards can be best cured by daily application of magnets for at least 10 minutes and intake of magnetized water thrice a day.
Magnetism is a magical treatment which helps to preserve youth and beauty and gives energy to the old. It is proved that regular use of magnets makes a person look younger than his age.
This drugless therapy has no side effects and unlike allopathic medicines does not create complications.
Scope for Research
Magneto Therapy has given good result in large numbers of cases of chronic ailments. Specially those involving severe pain, inflammation, stiffness etc. There is a very vast field for further researches and investigation on scientific basis. There are always chances and possibilities of making further discoveries, improvement and new addition to the existing knowledge.

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