'हेलो, ज्योतिष बाजे' बडाभैरव २ खोरका पे्रमबहादुर शाही फोनमा भन्दै थिए, 'हिजो मेरो छोरा जन्म्यो, उसको नाम जुराइदिनु पर्यो ?' ज्योतिष बाजेले जन्मेको समय, स्थान, बाबुआमाको नाम टिप्दै फोनमै उत्तर फर्काए, 'हुन्छ, बच्चाको नाम, ग्रहदशा कस्त्ाो छ दिउँसो हेर्छु । बुझ्नलाई साँझतिर फोन गर्नुहोला ।'
दैलेखको पगनाथ ५ गन्मका ज्योतिष पञ्चरत्न अधिकारी र कट्टी खोलापारिको खोर गाउँका शाहीबीच भदौ ९ गते मोबाइलमा यस्तै बातचित भयो । आफ्ना गाउँका अतिरिक्त बडाभैरव, कट्टी, डाँडापराजुल, लाँकुरी, विन्ध्यवासिनी सहित छिमेकी गाविसका बासिन्दाले आफूसँग ज्योतिष सेवा तथा परामर्श मोबाइलबाटै लिने गरेको अधिकारी बताउँछन् ।
सञ्चारको विकासले हरेक क्षेत्रका कामकाजमा सहज भएजस्तै ज्योतिष अधिकारीलाई पनि मनग्गे फाइदा हुनपुगेको छ । 'बच्चाको नाम जुराउने, भविष्यवाणी गर्नेदेखि ग्रहदशा हेर्ने र शुभअशुभ कार्यको साइत हेर्ने काममा मोबाइल साथी भएको छ,' उनले खुसी हुँदै सुनाए, 'यस्ता सबै कामको अर्डर मोबाइलबाटै लिन्छु र हेरिसकेपछि यसैबाट जानकारी गराउँछु ।'
ज्योतिष अधिकारी जिज्ञासुका सबै प्रश्न टिपोट गरिसकेपछि पञ्चाङ्ग हेरेर मोबाइलबाटै सन्देश बताइदिन्छन् । उनले यही माध्यमबाटै वैदिक संस्कारका थुपै्र कार्यक्रमको निम्तासमेत पाउने गरेको बताए । 'ज्योतिषमार्फत गाउँवासीको सेवा गर्न पाउँदा मन प्रफुल्ल हुन्छ,' उनले भने, 'वषर्ाका बेला टाढाटाढाबाट सर्वसाधारणलाई घरमै धाउन समस्या पर्ने भएकाले मोबाइलबाटै जानकारी दिन पाउनु राम्रो हो ।' समय बचत र धपेडी नपर्ने भए पनि मोबाइलबाट ज्योतिष सेवा तथा परामर्श दिँदा अधिकारीलाई दक्षिणा प्राप्तिमा भने समस्या पर्ने गरेको रहेछ । 'गाउँलेले फोन गरेर काम लाउँछन् गरिदिनै पर्यो,' उनले समस्या सुनाए, 'तर काम गरेबापत फोनमै दक्षिणाको कुरा गर्न अप्ठ्यारो, घरघर धाउँदा ढिलो भइसकेको हुन्छ ।' उनलाई ज्योतिष सेवा प्रदान गरेबापत दक्षिणा असुली कम हुने गरेकोमा खासै गुनासो रहेनछ । अरू कुनै कामबाट पनि पैसा आर्जन गर्न सकिने भएकाले यसलाई महत्त्व नठानेको उनी बताउँछन् ।
२०४७ देखि आफ्नै पिताबाट ज्योतिष ज्ञान सिकेको बताउने ५४ वषर्ीय अधिकारी पछिल्लो पुस्ताको यसप्रति आकर्षण घटेकोमा निकै चिन्तित छन् । 'आजभोलि मान्छे असाध्यै छाडा भए । राम्रो र नराम्रो नकेलाएरै काम गर्छन्,' उनको गुनासो छ, 'तिनीहरूलाई ज्योतिष विज्ञान हो भनेर बुझाउनै मुस्किल पर्छ । ज्योतिष ज्ञान लिएर काम गर्ने हो भने कामकाजमा सफलता हात पर्छ ।'
:- प्रकाश अधिकारी कान्तिपुर
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Astrology website gets 6 million monthly visitors
Astrologer Susan Miller's Web site Astrology Zone gets about 6 million monthly visitors and the page views goes up to 17 million. She is the most extensively read astrologer from catwalk to Wall Street, New York to Hollywood and even throughout the planet. Her colums on astrolgoy zone, very popular, is checked by all – models, actors, entrepreneurs, socialites, CEOs, editors and also regular Joes and Janes.
Astrologer Susan Miller is a best-selling author, net publisher, syndicated columnist and even businesswoman. She launched her astrology website, Astrology Zone, 1995, an award-winning website. The author has received acclaim from across the world for her accuracy and comprehensive monthly forecasts on the site.
Susan Miller has also created 6 books that includes the classic finest seller named Planets & Possibilities.
Astrologer Susan Miller is a best-selling author, net publisher, syndicated columnist and even businesswoman. She launched her astrology website, Astrology Zone, 1995, an award-winning website. The author has received acclaim from across the world for her accuracy and comprehensive monthly forecasts on the site.
Susan Miller has also created 6 books that includes the classic finest seller named Planets & Possibilities.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी पर्व
आज २०६७ साल भाद्र १६ गते बुधवार भाद्र कृष्ण अष्टमी । भगवान् श्रीकृष्णको जन्म दिन अर्थात कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी पर्व नेपालभर हिन्दु धर्मालम्बीहरूले भगवान् श्री कृष्णको पूजाआजा गरी मनाइरहेका छन् । आजको दिन बिहानै उपत्यकाको पाटन स्थित कृष्ण मन्दिरमा भक्तजनहरुको भिडभाड हुने गर्दछ। उपत्यका बाहिर , बुट्वल, नरायणगढ, नेपालगन्ज ,भैरहवा, बिराटनगर, वीरगंजमा पनि आजको दिन बिशेषरुपले श्री कृष्णाष्टमी पर्व मनाइने गरिन्छ। आजको दिन धार्मिक प्रवचन, पूजापाठ तथा श्रीकृष्ण्को रथयात्रा गर्ने र झुला झुलाउने पनि गरिन्छ । आज दिनभर भक्तहरु उपवास बसी मध्यरातमा कृष्णको प्रतिमालाई पूजा गरी भजन कृतन गाउने गर्दछन् । कृष्ण भगवानको पूजा विशेषगरी कुमारी केटी तथा महिलाहरुले गर्ने गर्दछन् ।
भगवान् श्रीकृष्णको द्वापर युगमा भाद्र कृष्ण अष्टमीको मध्यरातमा जन्म भएको थियो । उहाँ जन्मनुभएको रातलाई मोहरात्रि पनि भनिन्छ । हिन्दु दर्शनमा कालरात्रि भनी महाष्टमीको रात सुख रात्रि भनी लक्ष्मीपूजाका रात र मोहरात्रि भनी भाद्र कृष्ण अष्टमीका रातलाई महत्वका साथ लिइन्छ । कृष्णले आफ्नै दुष्ट मामा कंसको बध गरेका कारण कृष्णाजन्माष्टमीलाई असत्यमाथि सत्यको जीतको रुपमा पनि लिइन्छ ।
भगवान् श्रीकृष्णको बाल लिला, किशोर अवस्थाका उपद्रव लिला, तन्नेरी बेलाको रसमय लिला, गृहस्थ समयको कर्म लिला, अधबैंशे समयको कूटनीतिक लिला र वानप्रस्थ बेलाको वैराग्य लिलालाई धर्म दर्शनमा महत्वपूर्ण लिलाका रूपमा लिइन्छ । जब जब यो संसारमा पाप र पापीलाई नष्ट गरी धर्म स्थापना गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ तब तब मैले जन्म लिनेछु भन्ने प्रतिबद्धता भगवान् श्रीकृष्णको छ ।
भगवान् श्रीकृष्णको द्वापर युगमा भाद्र कृष्ण अष्टमीको मध्यरातमा जन्म भएको थियो । उहाँ जन्मनुभएको रातलाई मोहरात्रि पनि भनिन्छ । हिन्दु दर्शनमा कालरात्रि भनी महाष्टमीको रात सुख रात्रि भनी लक्ष्मीपूजाका रात र मोहरात्रि भनी भाद्र कृष्ण अष्टमीका रातलाई महत्वका साथ लिइन्छ । कृष्णले आफ्नै दुष्ट मामा कंसको बध गरेका कारण कृष्णाजन्माष्टमीलाई असत्यमाथि सत्यको जीतको रुपमा पनि लिइन्छ ।
भगवान् श्रीकृष्णको बाल लिला, किशोर अवस्थाका उपद्रव लिला, तन्नेरी बेलाको रसमय लिला, गृहस्थ समयको कर्म लिला, अधबैंशे समयको कूटनीतिक लिला र वानप्रस्थ बेलाको वैराग्य लिलालाई धर्म दर्शनमा महत्वपूर्ण लिलाका रूपमा लिइन्छ । जब जब यो संसारमा पाप र पापीलाई नष्ट गरी धर्म स्थापना गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ तब तब मैले जन्म लिनेछु भन्ने प्रतिबद्धता भगवान् श्रीकृष्णको छ ।
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Two Days Astrological and Vastu Conference at Bangkok, Thailand.
The Home Minister of Thailand, the Raj Guru of the King of Thailand, the President of the International Astrological Association, and many other dignitaries welcomed the Scholars from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Korea and other countries for the Two Days Astrological and Vastu Conference at Holiday Inn, Silcom, Bangkok, Thailand.
The said conference was organized jointly by the International Astrological Association, Thailand and the Asian Astrologers Congress, India. The pillars of these historic feet were Dr Satya Vishwas and Pinyo Pongcharoen.
The National Chairman of the Society of Vastu Science Col Tejandra Pal Tyagi was given the Vastu Nirdeshak Award for bringing out the fact that today there is a crying need to keep stones adjacent to the body rather than the metallic objects, and as far as Sapphires and precious stones are concerned, Thailand is the World Leader.
Some of the exceptionally interesting points raised during the conference are as under:-1. Is “Kal Sharp Dosh’ really applicable? Can not the Planets on one side look at the Houses on the other side? Should this be dispensed with? 2. Ketu is always the seventh house from the Rahu. The speed of movement of Rahu and Ketu are dissimilar. Can at some point of time, both these planets come in the same house? 3. Earth is said to be negatively charged. Does not this negative charge gets neutralized from the positive charge deposited by the cosmic energy coming from the inter stellar space?
Dr Dev Narayan, Dr Goswami, Dr Geeta Sharma, Shri Subir Kumar Bose, Er Mangal Joshi, Dr L D Sahoo, Advocate Manohar Pujari, Dr Pathak, Dr Mohanty from Orissa, Shri Lok Raj from Nepal, etc presented very interesting papers.
Smt Tanushri Dubey from Thailand not only did an excellent job as a vivid translator but compeered the conference in an exemplary manner.
Raj Jyotish of Thailand brought out that Shri ANYA KANTANYA who predicted that Gautam Budh will be revered universally, was a great Astrologer of India. See the irony that he is worshipped in Thailand and he has been forgotten in India.
Ambassador of Nepal Shri Naveen Prakash Jung Shah presented the certificates of excellence on 27th August during the valedictory function while the Thai Minster Honourable Siwalai inaugurated the Conference.
DNA and glimpse of your child’s future
It is not just towards astrology that parents are turning to get a glimpse of their child’s future but the latest trend is a gene test or DNA test. DNA tests are more popular in Europe and in the United States.
More and more parents are opting for this technology that helps them determine what their child ability and what they are best in. The DNA test results can help parents make better decisions and concentrate on areas that the child would excel; well after all it’s all in their child’s genes.
A DNA test that can reveal your child’s talent comes at a cost of Rs. 3,000 and the test can be performed right after a child is born and up to 10 years. If parents get the DNA talent test done on their child at an early age they get more time to groom their talent.
For the gene test, saliva sample are collected that houses approx 10,000 cells of which scientists can then segregate up to 40 different genes. By analyzing the genetic code, scientists can identify the child’s IQ, focus, health, diseases, emotion, athletic and artistic abilities.But such tests are not available in Nepal.
More and more parents are opting for this technology that helps them determine what their child ability and what they are best in. The DNA test results can help parents make better decisions and concentrate on areas that the child would excel; well after all it’s all in their child’s genes.
A DNA test that can reveal your child’s talent comes at a cost of Rs. 3,000 and the test can be performed right after a child is born and up to 10 years. If parents get the DNA talent test done on their child at an early age they get more time to groom their talent.
For the gene test, saliva sample are collected that houses approx 10,000 cells of which scientists can then segregate up to 40 different genes. By analyzing the genetic code, scientists can identify the child’s IQ, focus, health, diseases, emotion, athletic and artistic abilities.But such tests are not available in Nepal.
Black Magic And Striker Problems Haunt East Bengal
By Rahul SenguptaA bizarre incident in Indian Football saw an astrologer perform customary rituals at the East Bengal club ground during practice session under newly appointed coach Trevor Morgan.
It is quite evident that the East Bengal officials are worried about the trophy drought at the club. Globally, officials seek the help of science and technology to improve various facets of their game and it is unusual to see such superstitious acts being performed anywhere.
A few days back that the club had reportedly handed over its image rights to an individual to raise its profile. Sunday's incidence will certainly add value to the image of the club!
The astrologer from Kalyani performed some ritual and while walking away coolly mentioned that Sunil Chhetri will have a good season with the Kolkata club which clearly showed his knowledge about the team!
Morgan, who has worked as a development coach at Hull City, was amused and had nothing much to comment on people’s belief. These incidents only highlight the reason why India is known as the land of snake charmers!
Meanwhile, the team think-tank have other reasons to worry as they are facing an acute shortage of strikers with their Kolkata League campaign set to kick-off on Tuesday.
With Robin Singh having a slight niggle and Ekene Ikenwa still not being match fit, Morgan has no other option than to field the inexperienced Bikash Narzary who joined the club from a local league side.
The Englishman was using his own contacts to bring in an Australian striker named Tolgay Ozbay will now have to wait until the next week to avail his services. The Bankstown FC striker had some visa issues and shall only reach India on Thursday while his transfer was completed on Monday.
It is quite evident that the East Bengal officials are worried about the trophy drought at the club. Globally, officials seek the help of science and technology to improve various facets of their game and it is unusual to see such superstitious acts being performed anywhere.
A few days back that the club had reportedly handed over its image rights to an individual to raise its profile. Sunday's incidence will certainly add value to the image of the club!
The astrologer from Kalyani performed some ritual and while walking away coolly mentioned that Sunil Chhetri will have a good season with the Kolkata club which clearly showed his knowledge about the team!
Morgan, who has worked as a development coach at Hull City, was amused and had nothing much to comment on people’s belief. These incidents only highlight the reason why India is known as the land of snake charmers!
Meanwhile, the team think-tank have other reasons to worry as they are facing an acute shortage of strikers with their Kolkata League campaign set to kick-off on Tuesday.
With Robin Singh having a slight niggle and Ekene Ikenwa still not being match fit, Morgan has no other option than to field the inexperienced Bikash Narzary who joined the club from a local league side.
The Englishman was using his own contacts to bring in an Australian striker named Tolgay Ozbay will now have to wait until the next week to avail his services. The Bankstown FC striker had some visa issues and shall only reach India on Thursday while his transfer was completed on Monday.
Second International Symposium on Traditional Medicine and Contemplative Practices
New York: Dr Dawa, a former Director of the India-based Tibetan Medical and Astrology Institute, will be one of the keynote speakers of the Second International Symposium on Traditional Medicine and Contemplative Practices scheduled to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on 17 and 18 September 2010.
Other keynote speakers are Dr Shirley Telles, a renowned Indian scientist specialised in Yoga science who is the principal investigator for the Indian Council of Medical Research at the Center for Advance Research in Yoga and Neurophysiology at the Bangalore-based Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation, and Dr Tamara A. Russell, a clinical psychologist who teaches at King’s College, London, as well as at Western Psychiatric Institute of Pittsburgh University in the United States.
The symposium will explore four major topics which include a Current Overview of the Implementation of Traditional Medicine; Research in Traditional Medicine and Contemplative Practices; the Role of Traditional Medicine and Contemplative Practices, and Traditional Medicine and Herbal Drugs.
The Brazilian speakers for the symposium include, among others, Dr Luiz Eugenio Mello, Dean of the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP); Prof Lia Diskin of the Palas Athena Association; Prof Dr Angela Tabosa, Deputy Head of the UNIFESP’s Department of Chinese Medicine; Prof Dr Edson Amaro Jr of the University of Sao Paulo; Prof Dr Nelson Filice de Barros of University of Campinas; Prof Dr Mario Prieto Peres, Neurology Professor of the UNIFESP; Dr Sheila Busato, a technical advisor to the Municipal Health Secretariat of Sao Paulo; Dr Edward Pagani, Director of the Fitomedicina Brazilian Medical Association; Dr Paulo de Tarso Lima of Albert Einstein Hospital; Dr Fernando Bignardi of the UNIFESP’s Department of Preventive Medicine; and Prof Dr Claudia Pellegrino Negrao, a research board member of Natura, the Brazilian leading manufacturer and marketer of skin care, solar filters, cosmetics, perfume and hair care products.
The symposium is open to professionals, Ph D. candidates, and graduate students in the field of medicine and health science from different states of Brazil. The organisers are expecting 400 participants to the symposium. The first symposium on traditional medicine and contemplative practices held in Sao Paulo in September 2008 drew over 300 professionals, Ph. D. candidates, and graduate students from different states of Brazil. Dr Pema Dorjee represented the Tibetan Medical and Astrology Institute at the first symposium.
The symposium is jointly organised by the Federal University of Sao Paulo and Palas Athena Association. This initiative is a part of the collaborative work between Federal University of Sao Paolo’s School of Medicine and the Tibetan Medical and Astrology Institute (Men-Tsee-Khang) undertaken under a formal agreement. Prof Lia Diskin, Co-founder of the Palas Athena Association and the TGIE’s Liaison Officer to the Latin America, Tsewang Phuntso, facilitated the collaboration between the two institutions.
source tibet.net
Other keynote speakers are Dr Shirley Telles, a renowned Indian scientist specialised in Yoga science who is the principal investigator for the Indian Council of Medical Research at the Center for Advance Research in Yoga and Neurophysiology at the Bangalore-based Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation, and Dr Tamara A. Russell, a clinical psychologist who teaches at King’s College, London, as well as at Western Psychiatric Institute of Pittsburgh University in the United States.
The symposium will explore four major topics which include a Current Overview of the Implementation of Traditional Medicine; Research in Traditional Medicine and Contemplative Practices; the Role of Traditional Medicine and Contemplative Practices, and Traditional Medicine and Herbal Drugs.
The Brazilian speakers for the symposium include, among others, Dr Luiz Eugenio Mello, Dean of the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP); Prof Lia Diskin of the Palas Athena Association; Prof Dr Angela Tabosa, Deputy Head of the UNIFESP’s Department of Chinese Medicine; Prof Dr Edson Amaro Jr of the University of Sao Paulo; Prof Dr Nelson Filice de Barros of University of Campinas; Prof Dr Mario Prieto Peres, Neurology Professor of the UNIFESP; Dr Sheila Busato, a technical advisor to the Municipal Health Secretariat of Sao Paulo; Dr Edward Pagani, Director of the Fitomedicina Brazilian Medical Association; Dr Paulo de Tarso Lima of Albert Einstein Hospital; Dr Fernando Bignardi of the UNIFESP’s Department of Preventive Medicine; and Prof Dr Claudia Pellegrino Negrao, a research board member of Natura, the Brazilian leading manufacturer and marketer of skin care, solar filters, cosmetics, perfume and hair care products.
The symposium is open to professionals, Ph D. candidates, and graduate students in the field of medicine and health science from different states of Brazil. The organisers are expecting 400 participants to the symposium. The first symposium on traditional medicine and contemplative practices held in Sao Paulo in September 2008 drew over 300 professionals, Ph. D. candidates, and graduate students from different states of Brazil. Dr Pema Dorjee represented the Tibetan Medical and Astrology Institute at the first symposium.
The symposium is jointly organised by the Federal University of Sao Paulo and Palas Athena Association. This initiative is a part of the collaborative work between Federal University of Sao Paolo’s School of Medicine and the Tibetan Medical and Astrology Institute (Men-Tsee-Khang) undertaken under a formal agreement. Prof Lia Diskin, Co-founder of the Palas Athena Association and the TGIE’s Liaison Officer to the Latin America, Tsewang Phuntso, facilitated the collaboration between the two institutions.
source tibet.net
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