Monday, September 21, 2009

Nice cultured progeny

If you are Planning for nice cultured progeny embed with good qualities, Astrology can help you. Astronomical calculations of stellar influences upon a living being are not suppositions, but are factual, as confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam. The laws of nature control every living being at every minute, just as a citizen is controlled by the influence of the state. The state laws are grossly observed, but the laws of material nature, being subtle to our gross understanding, cannot be experienced grossly. As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (3.9), every action of life produces another reaction, which is binding upon us, and only those who are acting on behalf of Yajna (Vishnu) are not bound by reactions. The higher authorities, the agents of the Lord, judge our actions and thus we are awarded bodies according to our activities. T he law of nature is so subtle that every part of our body is influenced by the respective stars, and a living being obtains his working body to fulfill his arms of imprisonment by the manipulation of such astronomical influence. A man's destiny is therefore ascertained by the birth time constellation of stars, and a learned astrologer makes a factual horoscope. It is a great science, and misuse of a science does not make it useless.
According Astrology Certain time is most auspicious for Certain Zodiac Sign (here Zodiac Sign means your moon sign) Following Chart may be useful for Conceive…

Aries Monday After sunset Good Time For conceive
Taurus Monday After sunset Good Time For conceive
Gemini Wednesday After Sunset Good Time For conceive
Cancer Tuesday After Sunset Good Time For conceive
Leo Sunday Mid Day and Mid Night Good Time For conceive
Virgo Sunday Mid day and Mid Night Good Time For conceive
Libra Tuesday Sunrise to Midday Good Time For conceive
Scorpio Thursday Sunrise to Midday or After Mid Night to Sunrise Good Time For conceive
Sagittarius Wednesday Mid day or After Mid Night to Sunrise Good Time For conceive
Capricorn Wednesday Mid day or After Mid Night to Sunrise Good Time For conceive
Aquarius Wednesday Mid day or After Mid Night to Sunrise Good Time For conceive
Pisces Wednesday Mid day or After Mid Night to Sunrise Good Time For conceive

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